FeaturesDialogues: climate care

XXIX.1 January - February 2022
Page: 48
Digital Citation

Open forest: Walking with forests, stories, data, and other creatures

Andrea Cabrera, Markéta Dolejšová, Jaz Choi, Cristina Ampatzidou

Forests are often thought of as archetypical pristine, natural environments that provide a place of refuge, myths, and sacredness, and a way of understanding oneself and others. As complex ecosystems, forests are vital sites for production and preservation of life, food provision, habitat, recreation, sensorial and aesthetic enjoyment, and hope [1]. They also feature prominently as canvases for the industrial extraction of natural materials, which has resulted in the dispossession of many Indigenous people, who were and continue to be the forests' most advanced guardians. Forests are also on the move, shifting shapes in response to increasing temperatures, collapsing…

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