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VIII.2 March 2001
Page: 109
Digital Citation

Perspectives: trialogue on design (of)

Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Wendy MacKay, Jonathan Arnowitz

Prologue This year the SIGCHI Executive Committee appointed two new adjunct members to the Executive Committee: Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson, Adjunct Chair for Design Policy, and Jonathan Arnowitz, Adjunct Chair for Design Production. Both members are professional designers who not only work in high-tech startups, but also teach human factors and design. They helped the CHI2001 co-chairs bring a "design" focus to the CHI2001conference through the inclusion of two venues: Interactive Video Posters and the Design Expo. The arduous task of defining these venues, encouraging participation, and managing the production for both analog and digital media is a fascinating story in…

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