Demo Hour

DEMO HOUR: Silent Scene

Issue: XXV.6 November - December 2018
Page: 10
Digital Citation

Chang Hee Lee, Dan Lockton, Ji Eun Kim

The aim of this project was to tangibly study a playful experience that would occur without any direct physical or sensory interaction. Silent Scene is an unusual machine that does not offer any interactions to anyone. It is a stationary device that appears to do nothing. However, when there are no humans in its environment—when no sound, motion, or light is detected—it secretly starts to create beams and rays of stunning colors. The device will not function if anyone is near it, which, for some people, is a kind of playful experience.

Lee, C.H., Lockton, D., and Kim, J.E. Exploring cognitive playfulness through zero interactions. Proc. of the 2018 ACM Conference Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM, New York, 2018.

Chang Hee Lee, Royal College of Art
[email protected]

Dan Lockton, Carnegie Mellon University
[email protected]

Ji Eun Kim, Royal College of Art
[email protected]

ins01.gif When no one is around, Silent Scene comes to life, emitting rays of colors.

ins02.gif Silent Scene lies dormant when humans are present.