
XVIII.1 January + February 2011
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WELCOME Our first interactions

Ron Wakkary, Erik Stolterman

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As new co-editors-in-chief we welcome all readers to interactions magazine. It is an honor to be given the responsibility to carry on the work of our predecessors and to continually improve upon the publication on behalf of ACM SIGCHI. We see interactions as a mirror that reflects back what is core and emerging within the international CHI community.

interactions magazine is circulated to approximately 6,000 subscribers per issue! This includes all ACM members of SIGCHI. It is the third largest ACM publication and is influential within the field of human-computer interactions. We would like to foremost extend an invitation to our readers to submit articles, comments, and anything else you think worthy of sharing with the community. We believe that being part of the magazine makes a difference.

We are thankful to the former editors, Jon Kolko and Richard Anderson, who during their tenure pushed the magazine in a great direction. We promise to build on their efforts and find new ground to explore. We have implemented new features and exciting changes guided by our vision for interactions; that is, to create more voices and reader participation within the magazine both in print and online. This will allow interactions to become more international and to involve greater numbers of young academics and practitioners as writers. We will continually strive to increase the quality of the magazine and to make it a place where you want to see your writings and keep current with HCI and interaction design.

The cover story in each issue will be the centerpiece of the magazine. We regard it as a keynote address for each issue. We are giving the cover story more space, more visibility, and we want it to be an honor for its author(s). We are deeply pleased to have Saul Greenberg and his colleagues write our first cover story. The discussion of proxemic interactions is a timely reconsideration of the notion of ubicomp. We have also increased the number of Forums and Forum Editors. Each Forum will publish three times a year allowing more time for editors and authors to develop articles and for more topics to be covered. "On Heritage" is one of our new forums edited by Elisa Giaccardi. We also have returning regular contributors and editors, including Jonathan Lazar's "Interacting with Public Policy" and Jonathan Grudin's "Timelines." We are grateful to Eli Blevis, who over the years has served as the editor of "Sustainably Ours" and whose last installment will be in this issue. Thank you, Eli, for helping to make sustainability a topic of concern and discussion within our community. Elizabeth Churchill and Liz Danzico are also returning as columnists this issue, and will be contributing articles every other issue.

Other new features include a "Blogpost." Here we invite authors to provide personal, opinionated, and otherwise provocative entreaties to the interactions community. In this issue Arne Lund and Bo Begole encourage us to be more involved in CHI communities. Additionally, "The Demo Hour" will focus on new projects, new technologies, prototypes, tools, art installations, and other cool demos that researchers and practitioners have recently created. Lastly, we introduce a "Day in the Lab," which is intended to be a "cook's tour" of studios and labs across the globe. We are excited to have The Interaction Research Studio at Goldsmiths, University of London led by Bill Gaver in this issue.

With these new sections in the magazine, and others to come, we will continue to develop the structure and content in a direction that we see as aligning with our vision. There will soon be a website relaunch for the magazine with more opportunities for feedback and conversations. This is all part of our attempt to encourage communication within the field with interactions as a focal point. Again, we invite you all to actively take part in the development of the magazine and community by submitting articles and feedback.

        —Ron Wakkary and Erik Stolterman
            [email protected]

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DOI: http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1897239.1897240

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©2011 ACM  1072-5220/11/0100  $10.00

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