
XXVIII.1 January - February 2021
Page: 54
Digital Citation

Otherware: How to best interact with autonomous systems

Marc Hassenzahl, Jan Borchers, Susanne Boll, Astrid Pütten, Volker Wulf

From the command line to today's immersive, tangible, or gesture-based interaction, the evolution of interaction paradigms is a story of increasing embodiment [1]. We predominantly design interactive systems as tools, which withdraw from conscious thought to be always ready-at-hand. In this paradigm, people are at the center of action and use ubiquitous "everyware" technology [2] to extend their minds and bodies. Insights But this paradigm is more and more at odds with what is happening in technology today. New self-learning, proactive, AI-infused systems are no longer tools to act through. When encountering personal assistants, chatbots, smart home devices,…

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