
XXVIII.1 January - February 2021
Page: 72
Digital Citation

UX designers pushing AI in the enterprise: A case for adaptive UIs

John Zimmerman, Changhoon Oh, Nur Yildirim, Alex Kass, Teresa Tung, Jodi Forlizzi

AI and UX design have grown up as quite different disciplines. But we're now starting to see that small bits of AI can enrich a UI in interesting, useful ways. Adaptive user interfaces (AUIs) employ elements of AI to improve user experience. AUIs recognize and automate frequent tasks, such as when an email recognizes a phone number and lets users initiate a call with a tap on the number. These bits of low-risk AI free up a little time for consumers and maybe make them a little happier. Similarly, workers spend millions of hours every day interacting with business…

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