
XXX.1 January - February 2023
Page: 42
Digital Citation

Enabling Human-Centered AI: A New Junction and Shared Journey Between AI and HCI Communities

Wei Xu, Marvin Dainoff

  Artificial intelligence (AI) has brought benefits, but it may also cause harm if not appropriately developed. Current development is mainly driven by a technology-centered approach, causing many failures [1,2]. For example, the AI Incident Database has documented more than a thousand AI-related accidents [3]. To address these challenges, a human-centered AI (HCAI) approach has been promoted and has received a growing level of acceptance over the past few years [1,2]. HCAI calls for combining AI with HCI design that will enable the development of AI systems (e.g., autonomous vehicles, intelligent user interfaces, or intelligent decision-making systems) to achieve its…

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