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XII.4 July + August 2005
Page: 72
Digital Citation

Usability grows up

Aaron Marcus

Stepping into the Ring At CHI 2005, Eric Schaeffer, president of Human Factors International (HFI) who works from Mumbai, India, and Jared Spool, president of User Interface Engineering (UIE) in Middleton, Massachusetts, invited me to moderate their debate about usability. Approximately 700 people witnessed a "wrestling match" between the Maharajah of Mumbai and the Motormouth of Middleton. Each is a knowledgeable, passionate, and articulate professional. Eric has published his step-by-step guide Institutionalization of Usability (Addison-Wesley, 2004), and Jared runs a well-known user-interface tutorial series nationwide. I shall summarize the three segments of their debate. Figure Does Usability Scale…

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