
XIX.4 July + August 2012
Page: 96
Digital Citation

A matter of fit and fashion

Eli Blevis

Image Contributors: Eli Blevis, Yue Pan, David Roedl, and John Thomas Genre: Reflection on the variance in attitudes toward digital and non-digital material objects During interview studies of attitudes toward fashion and digital materials, we learned that some people buy laptop computers to fit their bags, rather than bags to fit their computers. ©2012 ACM1072-5220/12/0700$10.00 Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and…

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@majid (2014 01 10)

image create a very imported role in showing the fashion i like this post on fashion.

@majid (2014 01 10)

image create a very imported role in showing the fashion i like this post on fashion.

@newfashioncorner (2015 05 02)

image create a very imported role in showing the fashion i like this post on fashion.