
XIX.4 July + August 2012
Page: 32
Digital Citation

Entangling space, form, light, time, computational STEAM, and cultural artifacts

Brygg Ullmer

Two decades ago, three paradigms were born that have since grown mightily. The Web, for which Tim Berners-Lee released the first browser and server in 1991, needs no introduction. Mark Weiser's 1991 ubiquitous computing (or ubicomp) vision has similarly blossomed, with many of his postulations now regarded as lived reality [1]. Though its birth was quieter (first as a two-week student project), Durrell Bishop's 1992 "marble answering machine" will also be familiar to many interactions readers [2]. With its physical marbles acting as embodiments of voice messages, and their manipulation offering fluid engagement with digital "contents" and metadata, Bishop's…

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