
XIII.3 May + June 2006
Page: 72
Digital Citation

The designer’s hippocratic oath—-a reformulation

Jonathan Arnowitz, Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson

The practitioner is constantly barraged with new guidelines: platform guidelines, guru guidelines, papers and articles on heuristics, case studies and anecdotes that promote practice directives. And then there's the occasional Web forum, workshop, or hallway conversation that suggests there is an overarching method to our madness. We enter the fray with this, our May-June Rave, honoring a long tradition and making it our own: The Designer's Hippocratic Oath. Say it out loud: I Believe! I swear by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health, and All-heal, and all the gods and goddesses, Don Norman, Douglas Engelbart, the Eames, ergonomics…

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