
XX.3 May + June 2013
Page: 28
Digital Citation

Steampunking interaction design

Theresa Tanenbaum, Audrey Desjardins, Karen Tanenbaum

Behind the glass loomed a vast hall of towering Engines ... It was like some carnival deception, meant to trick the eye—the giant identical Engines, clock-like constructions of intricately interlocking brass, big as rail-cars set on end, each on its foot-thick padded blocks. The white-washed ceiling, 30 feet overhead, was alive with spinning pulley-belts, the lesser gears drawing power from tremendous spoked flywheels on socketed iron columns.—William Gibson and Bruce Sterling, The Difference Engine Clacking mechanical computation; majestic dirigibles; clockwork automata; gleaming machines of brass, copper, leather, wood, and glass; gentlemen in top hats, ladies in corsets and everyone…

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