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VII.6 Nov./Dec. 2000
Page: 47
Digital Citation

Book Preview

Michael Papazoglou, Stefano Spaccapierta, Zahir Tari

Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling Michael P. Papazoglou, Stefano Spaccapietra, and Zahir Tari, Editors MIT Press, 2000 ISBN 0-262-16189-3 $47.00 Object-oriented modeling structures systems around data—the objects—that make up various business functions. Because information about a particular function is limited to one place—to the object—the system is shielded from the effects of change. In addition, object-oriented modeling promotes better understanding of requirements, clear designs and more easily maintainable systems. This book focuses on recent developments in representational and processing aspects of complex data-intensive applications. The chapters cover "hot" topics such as application behavior and consistency, reverse engineering, interoperability and…

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