
XXII.6 November - December 2015
Page: 6
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INTR Staff

back to top  Blog/Juan Pablo Hourcade: Designing the Cognitive Future, Part VI: Communication

I liked your blog very much, Juan Pablo, thanks for posting it. I am now working on an academic project in HCI that does exactly what you are talking about: helping people from different cultures communicate better.

I think the place with the most room for development is intercultural communication because, as you mentioned, the fact that the world is getting more and more interconnected allows us to communicate with people we would never have met otherwise. And the speed of technological advances in the domain is much higher than the speed of our adaptation.

I want to augment video conferencing tools to automatically analyze facial expressions, emotions, and gestures, and display information to chat-users in order for them to learn culture-general capabilities. Specifically, I am looking for tools to help me achieve this that are accurate and JavaScript-ready. Have you worked with tools such as Kinect, Intel RealSense, or VisageSDK? If so, what is your opinion about them? Any pointers?

Arthur Toenz

back to top  LaserOrigami: Laser-Cutting 3D Objects

By Stefanie Mueller, Bastian Kruck, Patrick Baudisch
March–April 2014

DOI: 10.1145/2567782

LaserOrigami sounds amazing! Lasers cutting metal is crazy, but origami is wonderful; so precise. I definitely agree the lasers produce a sturdier result than finger joints. Thanks for sharing.

Amy Leach

The fact that the world is getting more and more interconnected allows us to communicate with people we would never have met otherwise.

back to top  Isn't It Time to Change the Way We Think About Time?

By Larissa Pschetz
September–October 2015

DOI: 10.1145/2809502

If I can suggest further reading, Hartmut Rosa has written an interesting book on acceleration, Social Acceleration: A New Theory of Modernity. He makes a good point by saying that acceleration is not just a technological question, but also a social issue, i.e., that we should not only focus on technology when working on the question of time.

Colin Fay

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