
XXIII.6 November-December 2016
Page: 54
Digital Citation

Rethinking our interactions with light

Andrés Lucero, Jon Mason, Alexander Wiethoff, Bernt Meerbeek, Henrika Pihlajaniemi, Dzmitry Aliakseyeu

We human beings have come a long way since our prehistoric ancestors gathered around a fire some 1.5 million years ago for company, protection, cooking, and warmth. Besides all its wonderful newfound benefits, fire also offered the first means to extend the day into the nighttime hours by providing a source of light. When the Egyptians created the first wax candles 5,000 years ago, we also then had a convenient way to control and carry light with us. In the late 1700s, oil and gas lamps became common for indoor use but were used for only short amounts of…

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