
XXIX.5 September - October 2022
Page: 44
Digital Citation

Assets and community engagement: A roundtable with HCI researchers and designers

Lucy Pei, Edgard Quijano, Angela Smith, Reem Talhouk, Frederick van Amstel

This article provides views from HCI scholars and designers with deep commitments and varied experience in community-centered work around the world. In a roundtable, Frederick van Amstel, Edgard David Rincón Quijano, Angela D.R. Smith, and Reem Talhouk shared their perspectives on community engagement and assets-based versus deficit-based approaches. — Lucy Pei How would you characterize your community engagements? What key values have you aspired for in your engagements? Insights → The panelists from around the world have culturally and contextually specific ways of understanding their community engagements. → Panelists argue for embracing strengths and assets and moving away…

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