
  • The human in HCI: What you can learn from the Bard (and others)

    Uday Gajendar Posted: Tue, July 16, 2013 - 4:32:37

    How does one account for the human within human-computer interaction? One approach historically embodied by the HCI field is firmly reductionist, a distillation of functional entities in which a human…

  • The UX ownership war is over … and we have lost!

    Daniel Rosenberg Posted: Tue, July 16, 2013 - 10:53:45

    In previous blogs and many interactions articles and columns over the years I have articulated my concerns over the UX profession’s general inability to penetrate to the core of business…

  • Number 9: Names, Facebook, and identity

    Deborah Tatar Posted: Thu, July 11, 2013 - 10:42:20

    Facebook recently informed me that my name is Oh. Really? I grew up in a sub-culture of America that believed in sending kids to sleep-away camps to get them…

  • When A/B testing gets an F

    Jonathan Grudin Posted: Tue, July 02, 2013 - 11:33:18

    A relationship is like a shark, it has to constantly move forward or it dies. And I think what we got on our hands is a dead shark. —Woody Allen,…

  • Enterprise users just want to have fun!

    Monica Granfield Posted: Fri, June 28, 2013 - 11:27:35

    The bounce of the screen on the iPhone is so much fun that new users often keep pulling the screen down again and again, just to see the action happen.…

  • Hair of the Monkey King

    Tek-Jin Nam Posted: Wed, June 19, 2013 - 10:31:48

    Technologists are like magicians. They make dreams reality. In mythical stories, magic is the art that makes the impossible possible. Seven-League Boots is the art that contracts space. People using…

  • HCI/UX in China: A trip report

    Aaron Marcus Posted: Fri, June 14, 2013 - 12:04:13

    How are product/service human-computer interaction design and user-experience design doing in China, you ask? Well, as they say, we live in interesting times. I shall give you a personal update…

  • Color and user experience

    Ashley Karr Posted: Thu, June 13, 2013 - 10:48:11

    Take away: Proper use of color can enhance the user experience of any design as color affects humans psychologically, physiologically, and emotionally. Emerald is: “Lively. Radiant. Lush. A color of…

  • A slow triangulation

    Jonathan Grudin Posted: Tue, June 04, 2013 - 1:47:16

    In the mid-18th century: "Does Britannia, when she sleeps, dream? Is America her dream? - in which all that cannot pass in the metropolitan Wakefulness is allow'd Expression away in…

  • Are you trying to solve the right problem?

    Richard Anderson Posted: Tue, May 28, 2013 - 12:44:25

    I just looked through the variety of graphical depictions of the human-centered design process that I show to and discuss with my master’s degree students during the first class of…