
  • The background foreground playground: LOTR and The Hobbit

    Deborah Tatar Posted: Sun, January 06, 2013 - 4:55:16

    After the first Lord of the Rings (LOTR) movie came out, Louis Menand wrote a review, probably in NYRB (the New York Review of Books), in which he mentioned that…

  • Design and interaction talk by Lab Rat

    Tek-Jin Nam Posted: Fri, January 04, 2013 - 10:47:58

    My name is Tek-Jin Nam. I am an associate professor in the Industrial Design Department at KAIST. KAIST is one of the top science and engineering universities in Korea. The…

  • Wrong about MOOCs?

    Jonathan Grudin Posted: Wed, January 02, 2013 - 4:32:50

    In July, I was sceptical. "We have no idea where this is going. Let’s stomp on the accelerator pedal and hold it to the floor!" My summary of the online…

  • Communicating with young people suffering from stress

    Juan Hourcade Posted: Fri, December 21, 2012 - 2:28:21

    Part of the discussion in the days following the horrible massacre in Newtown, Connecticut has involved how to manage the behavior of young people who feel anxious or stressed. This…

  • The importance of the social to achieving the personal

    Richard Anderson Posted: Thu, December 20, 2012 - 2:05:59

    During a recent Sunday evening, I participated in the popular healthcare communications and social media (#hcsm) tweetchat. This weekly chat, started nearly four years ago, was the first regular hashtag…

  • Blog post #1

    Uday Gajendar Posted: Mon, December 17, 2012 - 3:12:07

    Hi there! I'm very honored to be one of the new bloggers for ACM interactions online. In particular, I look forward to drafting thought-provoking posts that may raise some eyebrows…

  • My story

    Dave Malouf Posted: Thu, December 13, 2012 - 3:27:07

    Welcome to my new writing space. I thought I'd start by telling y'all a little about myself, my journey or story to this great intersection of my life's possibilities, influences,…

  • Interactables, Episode #1

    Mikael Wiberg Posted: Wed, December 12, 2012 - 4:33:59

    This is my first blog post for interactions. I am honored by the invitation to serve as a blogger and I truly look forward to writing in this forum during…

  • Kicking things off

    Daniel Rosenberg Posted: Fri, December 07, 2012 - 10:43:07

    Welcome to my first blog post for the ACM interactions website. Perhaps the best way to start is to introduce myself through my history with interactions. This may not be…

  • Calling all bloggers

    Posted: Thu, November 15, 2012 - 5:19:40

    interactions magazine is looking to establish thought-provoking blogs for this site. If you would like to recommend a blogger or volunteer yourself, please contact the editors-in-chief at [email protected]