Issue: XXII.6 November - December 2015Page: 8
Digital Citation

Ellis Bots, Karst Brummelhuis, Marcel Gleeson, Noëlle Lugtemburg, Joëll Magr, Michael Probyn, Nigel Smink, Eva Zillen
Atmo is an interactive environment developed for an oncology hospital. It gives children the experience of physically entering the fantastic world of bedtime stories. Children can collect a book from the hospital library and place it on a scanning table. Then, the environment transforms specific to the story. Footsteps are registered and trigger story-specific ambient sounds. Story characters begin talking to them from within the light spheres on the floor. Bedtime stories come to life, making the hospital a friendly and exciting place, encouraging children to move around and explore, make new friends, and exchange stories with each other.
Atmo is an Interactive Installation designed Interactive Environments course of the TU Delft from IDStudiolab on Vimeo.
Ellis Bots, Karst Brummelhuis, Marcel Gleeson, Noëlle Lugtenburg, Joëll Magr, Michael Probyn, Nigel Smink, Rosa Storm, and Eva Zillen, Delft University of Technology
Aadjan van der Helm ([email protected]) and Tomasz Jaskiewicz of Delft University of Technology, and Sara Ferrari of Sara Ferrari Design served as coaches for the Atmo project.