Demo Hour

XVIII.4 July + August 2011
Page: 8
Digital Citation

Ray Yun, Mark Gross, Dan Newton, Mark Marshall, Andrew Stevenson, Christopher Perez, Roel Vertegaal, Ayumi Kawakami, Koji Tsukada, Keisuke Kambara, Itiro Siio

RayMatic: An Emotionally Expressive Meter with a Human Face Can interfaces that use facial expressions and gestures make human-computer communication more friendly and engaging? RayMatic, an emotionally expressive meter, looks like a framed photograph. Whereas traditional meters display numbers or graphs statically, the person in RayMatic's frame (Ray) responds interactively to users, conveying environmental information from the connected sensors with facial expressions and gestures. For example, Ray fans himself when it is too hot or covers his ears and frowns when it is too noisy. The photo is displayed on a touchscreen so you can change set points and…

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