
XXIV.4 July-August 2017
Page: 44
Digital Citation

So you want to be an AI designer?

Nina (Zhuxiaona) Wei

On March 14, 2016, at 6:40 a.m., I woke up in the cold darkness and got washed and dressed. I took an Uber to the San Francisco Caltrain station and hopped on the 7:56 train, one minute before it left. The train arrived in Mountain View at 8:49. The first rays of sunshine were flying into my eyes, dancing around—"Welcome, Nina," said the sun, smiling. "It's like summer here!" I replied, smiling back. Another Uber drove me to the office. At 9:30 I stood up from the sofa in the lobby and stepped into the office... "Welcome, Nina, to…

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