
XII.2 March + April 2005
Page: 45
Digital Citation

An interview with Dr. Corinna Lathan of AnthroTronix

Jean Scholtz, Corinna Lathan

Dr. Corinna Lathan is the president and CEO of AnthroTronix, a human factors engineering firm located in Silver Spring, Maryland. Before founding AnthroTronix, Dr. Lathan was an associate professor of Biomedical Engineering at The Catholic University of America (CUA). She holds advanced degrees in Neuroscience and Aeronautics and Astronautics from MIT. In 2002, she was named one of the world's top young innovators by MIT's Technology Review. In that same year, the AnthroTronix product, CosmoBot was named the innovation of the year by Maryland's The Daily Record. AnthroTronix does R&D in human-technology interaction products in the healthcare rehabilitation, defense,…

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