Forum: fast forward

XIII.2 March + April 2006
Page: 42
Digital Citation

Visualizing the future of information visualization

Aaron Marcus

It's not just what you know, it's what you know about what you know. "Information visualization" is a special category of user-interface design. Tables, forms, charts, maps, and diagrams also have to solve how best to use metaphors, mental models, navigation, interaction, and appearance to make themselves usable, useful, and appealing—the catechism for good user experience. Lately, with new search and retrieval techniques popping up from Google, Yahoo, and other major Web-oriented companies, it may seem that much progress is being made. In some ways this is true, but advanced visualization (and sonification) techniques have made the rounds for…

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@ 7950652 (2015 03 18)

Visualization of information has really progressed over the years with new tools that allow for visual representation of raw data with great clarity. The intuitiveness of visual approach is that the information can be easily understood by more people and easily navigated through. There are lots of web applications that allow the user to visualize their whole work flow thus making it easier to manage. Some of the tools are TFS, Microsoft Project, Kanzen ( ) and others. Intuitiveness goes in pair with visualization thus why this method has been really progressing at the speed we experience now.