Demo Hour

XVIII.3 May + June 2011
Page: 8
Digital Citation

Michael Haller, Thomas Seifried, Stacey Scott, Florian Perteneder, Christian Rendl, Daisuke Sakamoto, Masahiko Inami, Pranav Mistry, Pattie Maes, Seth Hunter, David Merrill, Jeevan Kalanithi, Susanne Seitinger, Daniel Taub, Alex Taylor

CRiSTAL CRiSTAL simplifies the control of our digital devices in and around the living room. The system provides a novel experience for controlling devices in a home environment by enabling users to directly interact with those devices using multi-touch gestures on a digital tabletop. CRiSTAL consists of an interactive multi-touch surface and a camera mounted in the ceiling to capture the entire living room. The interactive surface is integrated into the coffee table and extends its functionality. The display itself is only activated on demand and still can be used as a normal coffee table. When activated, the interactive…

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