Table of Contents
VOLUME XXIV.3 May + June 2017
Wiser, older, and wider
Gilbert Cockton, Simone Barbosa
In our second issue as editors-in-chief, we have furthered our five aims for Interactions: to extend support for HCI and interaction design (IxD) from more disciplines; to increase diversity and contributions from currently underrepresented groups (two "wider" aims); to address HCI history ("older"); to support discussion of trends in…
Demo Hour
Demo hour
Robert Cameron, Andrei Smolik, Kevin Lefeuvre, Albrecht Kurze, Sören Totzauer, Michael Storz, Andreas Bischof, Arne Berger, Mathieu Goc, Lawrence Kim, Ali Parsaei, Jean-Daniel Fekete, Pierre Dragicevic, Sean Follmer, Chang Lee
1. cringeMACHINE cringeMachine was an early prototype for an interactive public installation. The purpose of the project was to develop a sculptural, crystalline-like aggregate form that could be used to experiment with modular interactive systems and study their effect on public space. We also wanted to explore people's reactions…
What are you reading?
Shaowen Bardzell
Shaowen Bardzell
Four years ago, I was invited to give a talk at the Scholar & Feminist conference sponsored by Barnard College's Center for Research on Women (BCRW). The focus of the event was utopian visions. In the spirit of feminist plurality, activists, artists, performers, academics, and the general public spent…
From stereoscopes to holograms
Joe Sokohl
Shortly before photographs became widely available in the first three decades of the 19th century, stereoscopes appeared. We've been flirting with portable, on-demand three-dimensionality in experience ever since. From Sir Charles Wheatstone's 1838 invention of a dual display to approximate binocular depth perception (Figure 1) to the ViewMaster fad…
How was it made?
Plinko poetry
Deqing Sun, Peiqi Su
Describe what you made. We made a Plinko Poetry machine, an interactive installation that allows users to create blackout poetry. A player walks up a set of stairs to the top of a screen. From there they release a ball down onto the screen. A poem is then generated…
What makes a good CHI design paper?
William Gaver, Kristina Höök
In the last issue, we suggested that the perfect CHI design paper is a myth, not just because it is all but impossible to achieve, but also because there are so many ways to pursue and report design research. In this column, we suggest that a few ingredients seem…
The ROI of HCI
Elizabeth Churchill
Just as most good research papers start with a problem statement, many of my columns start with a gripe masquerading as an observation. Today's is ROI, aka return on investment. I have no gripe with the idea of ROI in itself. Rather, I'm bothered by the fact that some…
The medium is the fake news
Jonathan Bean
From a compromised U.S. presidential election [1] to a gun-wielding "self-investigation" of a non-existent child-trafficking ring, the impact of fake news is clear. Yet we have not paused to define exactly what fake news is, although attempts to control it have suddenly gained traction. Facebook, for example, has announced…
Day in the Lab
Critical technical practice lab, M-ITI
Chris Csíkszentmihályi
How do you describe your lab to visitors? The Critical Technical Practice (CTP) Lab at the Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI) is a multi-scale, multi-purpose lab+shop for research and education, tailored to the extremity of our location: a lovely small island in the middle of a big ocean. On…
Sustainability and participation in the digital commons
David Franquesa, Leandro Navarro
Just as farmers depend on irrigation, pastures, and water, digital societies depend on networking infrastructures (e.g., the Internet) and digital devices that produce and support connectivity and interaction. We argue that what applies to critical natural-resource systems (e.g., an irrigation system or fishing grounds) also applies to digital resources.…
A framework for technology design for emerging markets
Nithya Sambasivan, Nibha Jain, Garen Checkley, Asif Baki, Taylor Herr
A billion new people are expected to come online in the next couple of years—almost entirely from emerging markets. A majority of these new users will gain access through a mobile phone. Decreased costs of smartphone production, shifting localities for labor, increased rollout of Internet pipes, and aspirational desires…
Leadership beyond the UX box
Janice Rohn, Carola Thompson
A clear strategic direction. A shared vision that people can rally around. A vision that is clear and credible. Companies and employees are hungry for all of it. The challenge is that many companies have moved to product lifecycle development techniques that typically aren't conducive to creating that unifying…
Understanding and researching through making: A plea for functional prototypes
Albrecht Schmidt
Over the past 20 years, our community has embraced low-fidelity prototypes. We see many researchers using paper prototyping, mock-ups, and sketches to explore their ideas. It is easy to do and there are many good reasons for low-fidelity prototyping [1]; however, in exploring new routes in human-computer interaction, this…
Health information technology: Opportunities abound. Challenges remain.
Yunan Chen
From electronic health records to personal health apps, information technology (IT) has proliferated in the healthcare sector over the past few years. This has led to the increased availability of electronic data and the improved capability of clinical decision making. Most notably, consumer-facing applications—mobile health apps, wearable devices and…
Community square
SIGCHI supports open exchange of information and freedom of movement
Loren Terveen
On January 27, 2017, President Donald Trump signed an executive order that imposed a 90-day suspension of visas for citizens of seven countries—Iran, Iraq, Syria, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Yemen—meaning that people from these countries would be unable to enter the U.S. It also meant that if citizens of…
Material programming
Anna Vallgårda, Laurens Boer, Vasiliki Tsaknaki, Dag Svanæs
In the near future, smart materials will have computational power embedded in the form of graphene transistors or nanotubes [1]. These will be the ultimate computational composites: materials that hold classic material qualities, such as structural durability, flexibility, texture, weight, and color, but that are also capable of sensing,…
Crossing borders, building bridges
Susan Dray
Though every country and context is unique, and much of human-computer interaction (HCI) research aims to design for situatedness, there are lessons we might learn when we work across borders and across contexts. At CHI 2016, 71 participants representing 20 countries and six continents came together to ask questions…
Remote robotic disability: Are we ready for robots?
Claudia Rebola, Grace Eden
Participation through a robot avatar has been described as a utopian future, but for people experiencing it in current social contexts it's a whole different reality. Last May, at the CHI 2016 conference at the San Jose Convention Center, conference chairs made an effort to increase access: The chairs…
The drive for new driving interfaces: Transformational change in the era of digitalization
Ingrid Pettersson, Lena Hylving
Traditional manufacturing organizations typically mirror digitally what they produce physically, following the "mirroring hypothesis" [1]. In this article, we take a look at Volvo Car's human-machine interface (HMI) development and how the HMI group broke with established mirrorings when taking on the challenges of digitalization—the organizational aspects of the…
Shaping loyalty: Experiences from design research practice
Joanna Rutkowska, David Lamas, Froukje Visser, Zuzanna Wodyk, Olga Bańka
It is an exciting time for design research. Many companies in the service sector (e.g., healthcare, insurances companies) are striving to gain a competitive advantage by finding ways to improve the customer experience or by adjusting products or services to dynamically changing contexts of use. There is a need…
Cover story
Art game
Jim Hoekema
The Art Game is a little-known but significant early achievement in interactive design. Created in 1977 and 1978, it was one of the earliest examples of interactive multimedia of any kind, and probably the first in humanities education. Also notable is that the Art Game comes from the legendary…
Visual thinking gallery
Fashionable services for wearables
Eli Blevis, Jinyi Wang, Yanqing Zhang
Contributor: Oskar Juhlin, Jinyi Wang, and Yanqing Zhang Curator/Editor: Eli Blevis Genre: Fashion intelligence adapting to changing environments Publication: Wang, J., Juhlin, O., and Hughes, N. Fashion film as design fiction for wearable concepts. Proc. of CHI'17 Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Video Showcase). ACM, New…
INTR Staff
May CHI 2017 - ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (Denver, USA) Conference Dates: May 6–11, 2017 NIME 2017 - International Conference on New Interfaces for Musical Expression (Copenhagen, Denmark) Conference Dates: May 15–18, 2017 GI '17 - Graphics Interface 2017 (Edmonton, Canada) Conference Dates:…