Special topic

XXV.1 January + February 2018
Page: 52
Digital Citation

Crafting a place for attending to the things of design at CHI

William Odom, Tom Jenkins, Kristina Andersen, Bill Gaver, James Pierce, Anna Vallgårda, Andrew Boucher, David Chatting, Janne van Kollenburg, Kevin Lefeuvre

Over the past two years, we have organized workshops at the CHI conference that have focused on the "Things of Design Research" [1,2]. The goal of these workshops is simple: to explore and develop a venue at CHI for research through design (RtD) practitioners to materially share their work with each other. RtD often centers on the making of things—artifacts, systems, services, or other forms—as a means to construct new knowledge in the interaction-design and human-computer interaction (CHI) research communities. Yet, over the years, we have felt that the things of design research have remained conspicuously overlooked, under-engaged with,…

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