
XII.2 March + April 2005
Page: 82
Digital Citation

14th IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Interactive Communication

Julie Adams

IEEE's RO-MAN workshops address fundamental issues regarding the co-existence of humans and intelligent machines and recent technological advancements, as well as psychological research on interactive communication and collaboration. Founded in 1992 by professors Toshio Fukuda, Hisato Kobayashi, Hiroshi Harashima, and Fumio Hara, the RO-MAN international workshop usually has a small but focused group of participants ranging between 70 to 170 researchers. RO-MAN workshops aim to expand research outcomes to the real-world applications for the enhancement of human-competence in such intelligent human-machine interactions in a networked society. RO-MAN 2005, to be held in Nashville, Tennessee, USA, from August 13 through…

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