
XII.2 March + April 2005
Page: 83
Digital Citation

From fiction to science

Elizabeth Dykstra-Erickson

Automata • Autonomous Robots • Human Augmentation • Mars Charlotte Jourdain of swissnex and Patrick Gyger of Maison d'ailleurs organized a four-day symposium in September and October 2004 to "connect the dots" between scientists, science-fiction authors, and artists on the topic of "From Fiction to Science." swissnex invited talks on automata, autonomous robots, human augmentation, and Mars exploration, in a way that illustrates the progression of technology from automata as mechanical inventions to robots as learning inventions. The audience engaged directly with the speakers in swissnex' gallery environment, promoting the networking central to swissnex' mission. Says Jourdain, "swissnex strives…

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