
XXIX.2 March - April 2022
Page: 50
Digital Citation

Digital dreams have become nightmares: UX for ethical technology use

Ronald Baecker

Digital technologies are essential for learning, health, politics, and commerce. We have innovative products and greater control over the universe. Dangerous physical labor is done by robots. Computational medicine lengthens our life span. And tech supports collaboration and community, essential during the pandemic. Ethical technology use has been expanded by digital heroes such as Tim Berners-Lee, Doug Engelbart, Batya Friedman, Steve Jobs, Alan Kay, J.C.R. Licklider, Ada Lovelace, and Joe Weizenbaum. Yet much is troubling. We depend upon software that nobody fully understands and is vulnerable to cyberterrorism. Privacy has been overrun by governments and surveillance capitalism. Totalitarian control…

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