
XXIV.5 September - October 2017
Page: 40
Digital Citation

Intervention user interfaces: A new interaction paradigm for automated systems

Albrecht Schmidt, Thomas Herrmann

Computer science has been driving automation in the workplace and the home. Automated processes and autonomous systems are having an impact on our experience with technology. Will we still need humans in the loop? Will HCI as a discipline get sidelined? In a 2015 keynote, Yvonne Rogers raised the question "User-less or User-full Interfaces?" discussing the consequences of leaving the user out of the loop (http://muc2015.mensch-und-computer.de/programm/keynotes/). Automation takes on tedious, boring, or error-prone tasks using machines and algorithms. This vision proclaims that humans will then be free to do more exciting and more cognitively challenging tasks. Recent breakthroughs in…

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