
XXIV.5 September - October 2017
Page: 34
Digital Citation

StreetSauce: Nurturing speculation in service design

Markéta Dolejšová, Tereza Lišková

Over the past few years, critical speculative design has transformed from an underground to a more mainstream design research domain. Besides speculating about the possible futures of existing sociotechnical systems through design fiction imaginaries, critical speculative designers began to generate pragmatic design solutions applied in a real-life context [1,2,3]. This shift has prompted us to probe the possible uses of speculation in socially aware service design and to respond to the recent call for more holistic, situated, and experiential service-design approaches [4]. Insights StreetSauce (www.streetsauce.cz) is a street-food bistro run by homeless women who serve carrot "hot dogs"…

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