Skin Games
Issue: XX.3 May + June 2013Page: 8
Digital Citation

Alvaro Cassinelli, Jussi Angesleva, Yoshihiro Watanabe, Gonzalo Frasca, Masatoshi Ishikawa
Skin Games explores the ludic possibilities opened up by harnessing the body not only as the controller (e.g., Kinect), but also as the support for displaying the game's output. Posture both triggers particular game actions and transforms the geometry and topology of the game level. Skin Games thus takes the concept of immersion to a whole new physical level: You are literally covered by the game's graphics. The fact that the user needs to contort to see the graphics on her own body is perceived here as an interesting feature of the proposed interaction paradigm.
Project website: (related Laser Sensing Display technology:
Publication: Cassinelli, A., Angesleva, J., Watanabe, Y., Frasca, G., Ishikawa, M. Skin Games. Proc. of the ACM International Conference on Interactive Tabletops and Surfaces. ACM, New York, 2012, 323326.
Alvaro Cassinelli | University of Tokyo | [email protected]
Jussi Angesleva | The Berlin University of the Arts | [email protected]
Yoshihiro Watanabe | University of Tokyo | [email protected]
Gonzalo Frasca Universidad ORT Uruguay | [email protected]
Masatoshi Ishikawa | University of Tokyo | [email protected]