Demo Hour

The Haggle-O-Tron

Issue: XXI.6 November-December 2014
Page: 8
Digital Citation

Chris Speed, Mark Hartswood, Eric Laurier, Siobhan Magee, Fionn Tynan-O'Mahony, Martin de Jode, Andrew Hudson-Smith

Secondhand retail in the U.K. charity sector plays a number of important social and economic roles: Charity shops are community focal points; money is generated for good causes; and goods are recirculated that might otherwise be discarded. However, like much of the U.K.'s retail shops, the prosperity of charity shops is under significant threat from the rise of Internet shopping. Access to online markets via smartphones equips customers to check prices for secondhand items; some customers then use that information to haggle with shop staff. The Haggle-O-Tron is an interactive kettle placed in an Oxfam secondhand shop that playfully subverts both normative and emerging secondhand retail valuation practices by revealing secondhand goods' financial, moral, social, and aesthetic properties.

Chris Speed, University of Edinburgh

Mark Hartswood, University of Edinburgh

Eric Laurier, University of Edinburgh

Siobhan Magee, University of Edinburgh

Fionn Tynan-O'Mahony, University of Edinburgh

Martin de Jode, University College London

Andrew Hudson-Smith, University College London

[email protected]

Haggle-O-Tron from Fionn Tynan-O'Mahony on Vimeo.

Speed C., Hartswood, M., Laurier, E., Magee, S., de Jode, M., and Hudson-Smith, A. The Haggle-O-Tron: Design intervention in secondhand retail. Proc. of the 2014 Companion Publication on Designing Interactive Systems. ACM, New York, 2014, 137–140.