Table of Contents

VOLUME XXIV.4 July-August 2017

    • Change, challenges, constants, continuity, and clarity

      Simone Barbosa, Gilbert Cockton

      As Interactions approaches its first quarter-century, it has grown with the academic and professional disciplines of human-computer interaction (HCI) and interaction design (IxD). Once the magazine enters its second quarter-century, it will continue to broaden as long as HCI and IxD continue to evolve, adapt, and reform. And yet…

  • Demo Hour
    • Demo hour

      Jinsil Seo, Annie Sungkajun, Meghan Cook, Young Lee, Susanna Hertrich, Akitoshi Honda, Rachel Freire, Paul Strohmeier, Cedric Honnet

      1. InTouch Wearables InTouch Wearables is a set of wearables that consists of dresses and wearable accessories that allow a mother and child to share remote touches through garments with ambient feedback. This was developed to explore how remote touches can convey emotion and help people stay connected between…

  • What are you reading?
    • Ann Light

      Ann Light

      For an English graduate who read avidly for pleasure through school and university, I am disappointed in how little I read these days. I am tempted to claim I write more words than I read, especially if we include university administrative writing. I have reached a point where I…

  • Blog@IX
    • Toward affective social interaction in VR

      Giulio Jacucci

      Toward affective social interaction in VR

      I first encountered VR in the late 1990s, as a researcher looking at how it provided engineers and designers an environment for prototyping. After that I became more interested in looking at how to augment reality and our surrounding environment. However, although VR had been around for decades by…

  • How was it made?
    • cringeMACHINE

      Andrei Smolik, Robert Cameron


      Describe what you made. cringeMachine is a temporary installation composed of 20 truncated tetrahedrons that respond to the sounds around it. Our initial idea was to create a transformable sculpture made of self-similar parts that could be assembled into a variety of configurations. When you make sufficient noise around…

  • Columns
    • The man who had them all

      Uri Kartoun

      The man who had them all

      A significant portion of my time at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) was spent analyzing a cohort of 65,099 individuals diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM). During these training years as a research fellow (2013 to 2016), I, along with my colleagues at MGH and Harvard, implemented a variety…

    • Teaching design online

      Uday Gajendar

      Teaching design online

      How would you create a design class that must be entirely online, with no in-person, in-studio interaction? It's quite the design problem in itself, isn't it? The past few years have seen a dramatic rise in the availability of online-only classes. Distance-based learning programs have thrived for quite some…

  • Day in the Lab
    • Information Science at CU Boulder

      Casey Fiesler, William Aspray, Lecia Barker, Jed Brubaker, Laura Devendorf, Brian Keegan, Leysia Palen, Michael Paul, Danielle Szafir, Ricarose Roque, Rick Robinson, Amy Voida, Stephen Voida

      Information Science at CU Boulder

      What is a unique feature of your lab? The Department of Information Science at the University of Colorado Boulder (CU) is brand-new and small, so we have had the opportunity to make our space and processes highly collaborative. As such, our "lab" is an entire department! We have faculty…

  • Forums
    • Toward intelligent environments: Supporting reflection with smart objects in the home

      Maliheh Ghajargar

      Toward intelligent environments: Supporting reflection with smart objects in the home

      The growing interest in the Internet of Things and in technological, connected, and computing-enhanced spaces such as smart homes (Figure 1), intelligent environments, and responsive environments connects interaction design more and more with architecture. Everyday spaces such as home environments are increasingly filled with computing and smart objects. This…

    • Socially just design and engendering social change

      Lynn Dombrowski

      Socially just design and engendering social change

      HCI as a discipline cares about issues of equity, fairness, and social justice, as denoted by the attention its scholarly works and evolving dialogue give to such topics. For example, within work from HCI and HCI-related disciplines such as ICT4D, community informatics, and digital civics, we can find celebratory…

    • The future of user experience education

      Andrea Peer

      The future of user experience education

      The HCI Living Curriculum Committee was born from the idea that the field is evolving too fast and is too varied to have a static, one-size-fits-all curriculum. Scholars in the field have proposed that HCI curriculum recommendations need to be current, relevant, and reflective of the multitude of HCI…

    • The 3Cs for preschool children’s technology

      Juan Hourcade, Luiza Pantoja, Kyle Diederich, Liam Crawford, Glenda Revelle

      The 3Cs for preschool children’s technology

      A toddler using a smartphone or a tablet is not an unusual sight in high-income regions. In fact, today's preschoolers are the first generation growing up with interactive computing devices that are accessible to their cognitive and motor abilities, with some starting to use them as babies [1]. Prior…

    • Usability, tested?

      Naveena Karusala, Aaditeshwar Seth, Biswajit Patra

      Usability, tested?

      As a team of HCI researchers testing the usability of a media-sharing mobile application with rural Indian users, we found our notions of usability to be challenged in unexpected ways. Our experience highlighted the need to bring a deep understanding of sociocultural contexts into conventional usability evaluations. In this…

    • Exploring DIY tutorials as a way to disseminate research through design

      Audrey Desjardins, Ron Wakkary, William Odom, Henry Lin, Markus Schilling

      Exploring DIY tutorials as a way to disseminate research through design

      Research through design (RtD) often centers on the making of things—artifacts, systems, services, or other forms—as a means to construct new knowledge in the interaction design and human-computer interaction (HCI) research communities. While designing things plays a prominent role in conducting research, there is an ongoing discussion around how…

  • Community square
    • HCI out of Namibia

      Anicia Peters, Heike Winschiers-Theophilus, Tuomo Kujala

      HCI out of Namibia

      In the beginning of 2016, we formed the Windhoek ACM SIGCHI chapter in Namibia. The chapter comprises academics, students, and professionals from across Namibia. Forming a local chapter was a natural step for us, especially at the Namibia University of Science and Technology (NUST, formerly known as Polytechnic of…

  • Features
    • Avoiding pitfalls when using machine learning in HCI studies

      Vassilis Kostakos, Mirco Musolesi

      Avoiding pitfalls when using machine learning in HCI studies

      Machine learning (ML) has come of age and has revolutionized several fields in computing and beyond, including human-computer interaction (HCI). Human-subject studies have been adopting ML techniques for more than a decade, for example for activity recognition and wearable computing. There now also exists a plethora of application domains…

    • Chatbots and the new world of HCI

      Asbjørn Følstad, Petter Bae Brandtzaeg

      Chatbots and the new world of HCI

      A potential revolution is happening in front of our eyes. For decades, researchers and practitioners in human-computer interaction (HCI) have been improving their skills in designing for graphical user interfaces. Now things may take an unexpected turn—toward natural language user interfaces, in which interaction with digital systems happens not…

    • So you want to be an AI designer?

      Nina (Zhuxiaona) Wei

      So you want to be an AI designer?

      On March 14, 2016, at 6:40 a.m., I woke up in the cold darkness and got washed and dressed. I took an Uber to the San Francisco Caltrain station and hopped on the 7:56 train, one minute before it left. The train arrived in Mountain View at 8:49. The…

    • Inspiring innovation: On low-tech in high-tech development

      Zara Mirmalek

      Inspiring innovation: On low-tech in high-tech development

      In June 2016, in the small town of Arco, Idaho, several dozen visitors set down temporary stakes to be near Mars—actually, a version of Mars, located 18 miles southwest of Arco on Route 24 in the Craters of the Moon (COTM) National Monument and Preserve. Named in the 1920s…

    • Making your presentation accessible

      Richard Ladner, Kyle Rector

      Making your presentation accessible

      It is extremely common to accompany a talk at a conference such as CHI, CSCW, IUI, DIS, UIST, and others with presentation visuals. But there may be people in the audience who are blind, have low vision, or who cannot see the visuals clearly. There may also be deaf…

  • Cover story
    • Intelligence on tap: AI as a new design material

      Lars Holmquist

      Intelligence on tap: AI as a new design material

      There has been a revolution, but it snuck up on us so gradually that you'd be forgiven if you missed it. It's called artificial intelligence, and it will have a profound impact on how we design digital products in the near future. This has been something of an unexpected…

  • Visual thinking gallery
    • Woman (seated) with tablet computer

      Eli Blevis

      Woman (seated) with tablet computer

      Contributor: Eli Blevis Curator/Editor: Eli Blevis Genre: Photographic minimalism, truth in (digital) photography Publication: Blevis, E. Pictorial: Qualities of focus. Proc. of Creativity & Cognition 2017. ACM Press (In press). Is this deliberately out-of-focus image, recorded in the moment using a manual focus digital camera, more "truthful" than a…

  • Calendar
    • Calendar

      INTR Staff


      July HCI 2017 - 31st British Human Computer Interaction Conference (Sunderland, UK) Conference Dates: July 3–6, 2017 UMAP '17 - User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization Conference (Bratislava, Slovakia) Conference Dates: July 9–12, 2017 SIGGRAPH '17 - 44th SIGGRAPH Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (Los Angeles,…
