
  • A new forum is launched: The Business of UX

    Daniel Rosenberg Posted: Fri, January 17, 2014 - 10:41:12

    I am pleased to announce that the new Interactions forum dedicated to the business of UX has just launched. Please take a look at it if you don’t subscribe to…

  • Mobile usability findings for 2013

    Ashley Karr Posted: Wed, January 15, 2014 - 12:55:28

    Take away: The four best practices for designing mobile sites and applications are to make the interfaces and interactions as simple, clear, obvious, and consistent as possible. In 2013, I…

  • Designing the cognitive future, part iii: attention

    Juan Hourcade Posted: Mon, January 13, 2014 - 12:37:38

    In twoprevious postings, I began discussing how interactive technologies are affecting cognitive processes, and how they may do so in the future. I already discussed perception and memory. In this…

  • Pushing pixels (and tools) : The internal dialogue of craft

    Uday Gajendar Posted: Fri, January 10, 2014 - 10:40:56

    Even as a principal designer directing design strategy for projects, I still sometimes go deep into the pixels. When I do, I use a complex tool like Adobe Fireworks or…

  • Engineering in reverse

    Jonathan Grudin Posted: Thu, January 09, 2014 - 10:34:14

    As a new year starts, we may review the year past, taking note of passages and travel, selecting events that provide humorous, solemn, embarrassing, or celebratory glances back. A crafted…

  • Getting emotional over UX design

    Monica Granfield Posted: Mon, January 06, 2014 - 10:42:02

    First impressions, they are subconscious and visceral. The first impressions can make or break a product and an experience. A product that visually appeals to someone will draw them in.…

  • Post-visionary

    Jonathan Grudin Posted: Mon, November 25, 2013 - 11:00:12

    The Interactions Timelines forum, 38 contributions by 28 authors over eight years, spanned the history of human-computer interaction and related topics. The November-December column on women who pioneered human-centered design…

  • Letter from Aarhus: scale and perspective

    Deborah Tatar Posted: Thu, November 21, 2013 - 10:41:38

    In addition to appreciating the ways in which Denmark has a design culture, which I wrote about last time, I am also appreciating not being in America, in two ways.…

  • Utilizing patients in the experience design process

    Richard Anderson Posted: Mon, November 18, 2013 - 10:00:45

    Dave deBronkart (a.k.a. e-Patient Dave) is quite well-known for his assertion during a TED talk and at other times that patients are the most underutilized resource in healthcare. Without question,…

  • Are we still just a digital shoebox?

    Monica Granfield Posted: Tue, November 12, 2013 - 10:39:09

    Digital pictures… they are fun to take and easy to share. With cameras built into our phones we can snap photos at a moment’s notice! Even with a separate camera…