Table of Contents
VOLUME XXIX.4 July - August 2022
Spirituality in design
Daniela Rosner, Alex Taylor, Mikael Wiberg
The connection between faith and technology has long vexed design. Against the backdrop of secular scientific traditions, programs of technology development enchant and compel, reinforcing particular belief systems and ways of encountering the world around us, whether through religious practices or otherwise. Beyond the tools and systems, our scholarly…
What are you reading?
What are you reading? Firaz Peer
Firaz Peer
Given the theme of this issue and my research interest in justice-based approaches to the design of community technologies, I thought I'd reflect on a book that I picked up recently, Social Justice in Islam [1]. Written by Sayyid Qutb, the revolutionary scholar, theorist, poet, and activist from Egypt…
Virtual classrooms during Covid-19
S. Islam, Nabarun Halder, Ashraful Islam, Eshtiak Ahmed, Sheak Noori
The sudden appearance of Covid-19 forced people to stay at home due its highly infectious nature. Governments shut down countries; economies and businesses collapsed. The education system was no exception; rising Covid-19 cases forced schools to shut down. According to UNESCO, Covid-19 afflicted 37,694,522 students as of January 2022…
Exhibit X
How to Buy/Own/Mint One Milliliter of the Ocean from the South China Sea
Winnie Soon, Tzu Lee
The South China Sea (Mandarin: 南海, Nan Hai) is one of the world's most heavily trafficked waterways for international trade, but it also is the site of complex territorial disputes spanning Brunei, China, Malaysia, Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Multiple Asian governments assert sovereignty over rocks, reefs, and other…
Motible employment
Jonathan Bean
I come from, on my mother's side, a large Roman Catholic family. Of my grandparents' 11 children there is, as best I can tell, a wide array of orientations to religion in general and Catholicism in particular. But while I have not been present for heated conversations about religion—politics…
A bear-woman, a cave, Plato’s or otherwise
Jaz Choi
Here is a monstrous creature, born in a country founded by a mythical shaman, the child of a bear-woman. Her wish to become a human saw her committing to enduring 100 days in a cave void of light, subsisting on garlic and mugwort. The bear transformed into a woman…
Learning to work with chemicals as a haptic technology
Jasmine Lu, Ziwei Liu, Jas Brooks, Pedro Lopes
In our recent paper "Chemical Haptics" [1], we explored how applying chemicals to the skin offers a new pathway to create haptic sensations such as warming, cooling, numbing, tingling, and stinging. Creating sensations using chemicals might seem entirely new, but it's inspired by knowledge that has existed for centuries…
Situating ethics: A postsecular perspective for HCI
Syed Ishtiaque Ahmed
Values and ethics have long been central to many discourses in HCI. But these topics have received an additional impetus in the past decade, with the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence technologies worldwide and the concerns that they have engendered. Scholars have demonstrated how many of the "data-driven" systems…
Beyond platform cooperativism: Worker-owned platforms in Brazil
Rafael Grohmann
Platform cooperativism is the union of technological potential with the strength of the cooperative organization. Worker-owned platforms can be laboratories, building local experiences to challenge the dominant dynamics of gig work. They can reinvent local economic circuits of production and consumption through platforms and improve working conditions while promoting…
Church after Sunday: Supporting everyday well-being through techno-spiritual health interventions
Teresa O'Leary, Elizabeth Stowell, Darley Sackitey, Hye Yun, David Wright, Michael Paasche-Orlow, Timothy Bickmore, Andrea Parker
For many, spirituality is a core value. Recognizing the centrality of spirituality to the human experience and its intersection with other values such as health, public health research has a long tradition of developing faith-based health interventions. These programs have a combined focus on spirituality and health promotion, and…
Community square
SIGCHI’s new budget
INTR Staff
On March 1, 2022, the SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) voted unanimously to approve the SIGCHI budget for fiscal year (FY) 2023 (July 1, 2022 to June 30, 2023). The budget was presented to the SIGCHI community on the same day in our monthly open EC meeting. By the numbers.…
From individual rights to community obligations: A Jewish approach to speech
Jessica Hammer, Samantha Reig
Hate speech, disinformation, doxing—these are all information harms spread through online speech. Questions of what is acceptable for online speech are typically framed as issues of rights. For example, as of this writing, Spotify is facing heavy criticism for hosting Joe Rogan's podcast, in which he disseminates misinformation about…
Reclaiming attention: Christianity and HCI
Alexis Hiniker, Jacob Wobbrock
Christianity is the world's most practiced religion. Its followers hold that Jesus of Nazareth was the divine Son of God, who was resurrected from the dead following his crucifixion, thereby fulfilling the Jewish messianic prophecies as foretold in the Hebrew Bible. Christians believe that Jesus was both fully human…
Sacred be thy tech: Thoughts (and prayers) on integrating spirituality in technology
C. Smith
If you've ever seen a sensitive health-disclosure post on social media, you may have also noticed responses containing phrases like, "praying for you," "sending good vibes," or "let me know how I can help." Perhaps it's your favorite-but-oddly-specific support community on Reddit, and one post happened to ride a…
Technology and the inward turn of faith
Kentaro Toyama
Cyberbullying, Internet addiction, job elimination, the destruction of democracy. Digital technology has never before been accused of causing so much harm; the backlash is severe against the contrast of tech's early utopian promises. Insights → Enlightenment values, of which the digital arguably represents a culmination, tend to focus…
Technology and its tree-lined avenues for religion-based tribalism
Joyojeet Pal
I don't believe there is a God. When born, I was listed as Hindu since birth certificates required that as a permanent marker of my marital, inheritance, and taxation rights in India. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the religious traditions I grew up around, much as I have…
The 4th Unitarian Universalist principle as an aid to techno-spirituality research
Elizabeth Buie
In April 2010, Intel anthropologist Genevieve Bell told CHI conference attendees that spirituality was one of the three most important "underexplored" areas of human-computer interaction research. Bell's words motivated me to follow up on an experience I had had some years earlier, and in the autumn of 2012 I…
Demigod or cyborg?
Nashra Mahmood
I'm constantly saving or bookmarking things to read, on my phone, my laptop, Internet browsers, and social media accounts. Saving in the context of HCI is all about preservation for future use. The social affordances of my sociotechnical environment have successfully inaugurated me into a demigod-like subjectivity, where after…
Land-bordering design technologies| Roñe’e yvype guará
Pat Vera
Our bodies and geographies of selves made up of diverse, bordering and overlapping "countries." We are all composed of information, billions of bits of cultural knowledge superimposing many categories of communication. —Gloria Anzaldúa [2] Being in the borders, migrating from the soil that held us captive as bastards of…
Speculating spiritual technologies
Elizabeth Chin
There is an old, old joke in Haiti that 80 percent of the population is Catholic, and 100 percent are Vodouyizan, or practitioners of Vodou. Part of the reality the joke exposes is that for Catholicism, practicing Vodou is anathema; for Vodouyizan, there is no conflict in being both…
Making space for faith, religion, and spirituality in prosocial HCI
Khushnood Naqshbandi, Kristina Mah, Naseem Ahmadpour
Faith, religion, and spirituality (FRS) are contentious areas in human-computer interaction (HCI) and design. As HCI researchers strive to cultivate rigor and validity in practice, the influence of FRS carries more weight in some areas of the field. One such area is design for prosocial behavior, or prosocial design.…
Why should humans trust AI?
John Carroll
AI is incorporated into recommendation services, driverless vehicles, surveillance and security, social media, and many other types of systems. Yet people who interact with such systems often do not understand what the AI does or how it works. This lack of transparency can create confusion, frustration, and mistrust. And…
Fine-tuning machine confidence with human relevance for video discovery
Oana Inel, Lora Aroyo
The popularity of video on the Web is reaching an unimaginable scale—a person would need more than 5 million years to watch all videos available online up to 2020 [1]. This scale poses an immense challenge to the discovery of relevant videos. Crucial for this are proper video categorization…
From individual rights to community obligations: A Jewish approach to speech
Jessica Hammer, Samantha Reig
Hate speech, disinformation, doxing—these are all information harms spread through online speech. Questions of what is acceptable for online speech are typically framed as issues of rights. For example, as of this writing, Spotify is facing heavy criticism for hosting Joe Rogan's podcast, in which he disseminates misinformation about…
Reclaiming attention: Christianity and HCI
Alexis Hiniker, Jacob Wobbrock
Christianity is the world's most practiced religion. Its followers hold that Jesus of Nazareth was the divine Son of God, who was resurrected from the dead following his crucifixion, thereby fulfilling the Jewish messianic prophecies as foretold in the Hebrew Bible. Christians believe that Jesus was both fully human…
Sacred be thy tech: Thoughts (and prayers) on integrating spirituality in technology
C. Smith
If you've ever seen a sensitive health-disclosure post on social media, you may have also noticed responses containing phrases like, "praying for you," "sending good vibes," or "let me know how I can help." Perhaps it's your favorite-but-oddly-specific support community on Reddit, and one post happened to ride a…
Tarot as a technology of care
Caitlin Lustig, Hong-An Wu
In March 2022, we met for an interview over Zoom. We got in touch earlier in the year about our shared interest in tarot, a deck of playing cards used for divination practices that traces back to the 15th century. We approach tarot as an evocative technology to think…
Technology and the inward turn of faith
Kentaro Toyama
Cyberbullying, Internet addiction, job elimination, the destruction of democracy. Digital technology has never before been accused of causing so much harm; the backlash is severe against the contrast of tech's early utopian promises. Insights → Enlightenment values, of which the digital arguably represents a culmination, tend to focus…
Technology and its tree-lined avenues for religion-based tribalism
Joyojeet Pal
I don't believe there is a God. When born, I was listed as Hindu since birth certificates required that as a permanent marker of my marital, inheritance, and taxation rights in India. I consider myself fairly knowledgeable in the religious traditions I grew up around, much as I have…
The 4th Unitarian Universalist principle as an aid to techno-spirituality research
Elizabeth Buie
In April 2010, Intel anthropologist Genevieve Bell told CHI conference attendees that spirituality was one of the three most important "underexplored" areas of human-computer interaction research. Bell's words motivated me to follow up on an experience I had had some years earlier, and in the autumn of 2012 I…
Demigod or cyborg?
Nashra Mahmood
I'm constantly saving or bookmarking things to read, on my phone, my laptop, Internet browsers, and social media accounts. Saving in the context of HCI is all about preservation for future use. The social affordances of my sociotechnical environment have successfully inaugurated me into a demigod-like subjectivity, where after…
Land-bordering design technologies| Roñe’e yvype guará
Pat Vera
Our bodies and geographies of selves made up of diverse, bordering and overlapping "countries." We are all composed of information, billions of bits of cultural knowledge superimposing many categories of communication. —Gloria Anzaldúa [2] Being in the borders, migrating from the soil that held us captive as bastards of…
Speculating spiritual technologies
Elizabeth Chin
There is an old, old joke in Haiti that 80 percent of the population is Catholic, and 100 percent are Vodouyizan, or practitioners of Vodou. Part of the reality the joke exposes is that for Catholicism, practicing Vodou is anathema; for Vodouyizan, there is no conflict in being both…
Making space for faith, religion, and spirituality in prosocial HCI
Khushnood Naqshbandi, Kristina Mah, Naseem Ahmadpour
Faith, religion, and spirituality (FRS) are contentious areas in human-computer interaction (HCI) and design. As HCI researchers strive to cultivate rigor and validity in practice, the influence of FRS carries more weight in some areas of the field. One such area is design for prosocial behavior, or prosocial design.…
INTR Staff
July DAC '22: 59th Design Automation Conference (San Francisco, USA) July 10–14, 2022 CU '22: Conversational User Interfaces (Glasgow, U.K.) July 26–28, 2022 August PDC '22: Participatory Design Conference (Newcastle upon Tyne, U.K. and virtual) August 19 – September 1, 2022 September Mensch und…
Liberation tarot—- Accountability
Amina Ross
Contributor: Amina Ross Curator/Editor: Nia Easley The Liberation Tarot Deck is for those inspired by and through revolution in the face of the able-centered, capitalist, heterocis-normative, white-supremacist patriarchy. At the foundation of this project is the belief that magic is an essential tool for healing and social change within…