Table of Contents

VOLUME XXV.5 September-October 2018

    • Bugs, bots, bodies, and boundaries: Trends and ends in HCI

      Gilbert Cockton, Simone Barbosa

      Now into the second half of our term as editors in chief, we have seen some clear trends in Interactions. This issue continues four of them: designing with artificial intelligence (AI) and with natural organisms, and for bodies and diverse communities. Three features focus on the presentation of AI…

  • Demo Hour
    • Demo hour

      Young Lee, Kazuhiro Jo, Vygandas Šimbelis, Young Lee, Léon McCarthy

      The TEI'18 Arts Track exhibition, "Beyond Convergence," reflects the notion of the post-digital in relation to tangible interactive settings. We interrogate the digital beyond by simply contrasting it with the analog or physical, but also by exploring how digital qualities manifest in our everyday world, finding countable and discrete…

  • What are you reading?
    • What are you reading? Wendy March

      Wendy March

      What are you reading? Wendy March

      I picked these two books to read outside of work, then realized that they actually reflect my work in many ways. They both have those moments I love when I interview someone and see details of their lives that are deeply ordinary yet fascinatingly strange. Diary of an Ordinary…

  • Blog@IX
    • Reflecting on the design-culture connection in HCI and HCI4D

      José Abdelnour-Nocera, Nimmi Rangaswamy

      Reflecting on the design-culture connection in HCI and HCI4D

      This blog post grew out of our experience organizing the Field Trips track for the INTERACT Conference in Mumbai. We knew field trips would lead participants on a journey through the multiple, often contested connections between culture, the technology design process, and its products. Sidestepping postcolonial pitfalls, we hoped…

  • Feedback
    • Feedback

      Jon Kolko


      This was a powerful, articulate and comprehensive article, both for its historical background and for its arguments—probably the best dissertation I've read regarding design thinking. This should be a must read for anyone interested in the subject. That said, while there are many points I agree with, I am…

  • How was it made?
    • How was it made? Project telepathy

      Anne-Claire Bourland, Peter Gorman, Jess McIntosh, Asier Marzo

      How was it made? Project telepathy

      Describe what you made. Project Telepathy is a blue-sky project aimed at overcoming some of the limitations of human speech. Speech is a broadcast process, has limited reach, and does not work well underwater. We focused on overcoming the broadcast issue by developing a wearable system capable of silently…

  • Columns
    • Moving beyond user-centered design

      Jodi Forlizzi

      Moving beyond user-centered design

      If I could wave a magic wand, I would use it to make the HCI community move beyond user-centered design to a notion of stakeholder-centered design [1]. At the extreme, I think user-centered design is dead; when I'm feeling less extreme, I tell my students, my collaborators, and companies…

    • Putting accessibility first

      Elizabeth Churchill

      Putting accessibility first

      The power of the Web is in its universality. Access by everyone regardless of disability is an essential aspect. —Tim Berners-Lee [1] The overall goal should be... making sure that everyone has equivalent access. ... If it takes the average person who can see 10 seconds and the average…

    • The long shadow of connected lighting

      Jonathan Bean

      The long shadow of connected lighting

      For most people, devices such as Amazon's Echo speaker or Google's Nest thermostat come to mind when they think of the Internet of Things. Light fixtures? Not so much. But big changes are coming to the world of lighting, driven by our seemingly unquenchable need to leave no thing…

  • Day in the Lab
    • Waag open wetlab

      Lucas Evers

      Waag open wetlab

      Editors' note: For this Day in the Lab, we look outside HCI to a bioscience and biodesign lab to see similarities in practice. Approaches that we associate with HCI are becoming more widespread, as other disciplines embrace participatory approaches. This bodes well for emerging areas such as biodesign, since…

  • Forums
    • Championing environmental and social justice

      Oliver Bates, Vanessa Thomas, Christian Remy, Adrian Friday, Lisa Nathan, Mike Hazas, Samuel Mann

      Championing environmental and social justice

      Big question: What will it take for sustainable HCI to really make a difference? As this forum's editor has pointed out, continuous dialogue is key [1]. It is clear that the digital systems designed by the HCI community have increasingly powerful and complex effects on the more-than-human world and…

    • It’s getting real. Virtually real.

      Aditya Vishwanath

      It’s getting real. Virtually real.

      Virtual reality (VR) is no longer solely the stuff of science fiction. As VR headsets become increasingly mainstream and affordable, thanks to major industry actors such as Google and Samsung, a slew of companies have surfaced to explore the more and less understood affordances of this emerging technology. With…

    • The HCI living curriculum as a community of practice

      Olivier St-Cyr, Andrea Jovanovic, Mark Chignell, Craig MacDonald, Elizabeth Churchill

      The HCI living curriculum as a community of practice

      Over the course of four years, starting in 2011, the SIGCHI Executive Committee interviewed and surveyed HCI educators, professionals, and students to learn about emerging HCI initiatives and needs [1]. The project focused on documenting the current HCI landscape, inviting interviewees and survey participants to share what, from their…

    • How to avoid an AI interaction singularity

      Paul Lukowicz, Philipp Slusallek

      How to avoid an AI interaction singularity

      The ways in which we address societal as well as personal challenges are inherently linked to the technologies to which we have access. Ongoing digitization, coupled with advances in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), are leading us to yet another critical point in history, one in which society,…

    • ‘Nothing about me without me’–The health information access needs of adolescent patients

      Lauren Wilcox

      ‘Nothing about me without me’–The health information access needs of adolescent patients

      Advances in computing technology continue to offer us new ways to learn about our health and well-being. As mutually reinforcing trends make the use of mobile and wearable devices routine, we now collect personal health–related data at an unprecedented rate. Meanwhile, electronic health record (EHR) systems keep evolving. These…

    • Lean UX communication strategies for success in large organizations

      Greg Nudelman

      Lean UX communication strategies for success in large organizations

      Lean UX is an approach to UX design that has consistently gained popularity over the past few years. Our field has produced multiple books [1,2,3,4] and myriad articles on various lean UX flavors, promising robust improvements in the productivity and success of digital projects. Today, eight years after the…

  • Community square
    • The evolution of SIGCHI conferences and the future of CHI

      Loren Terveen, Helena Mentis, Aaron Quigley, Philippe Palanque

      The evolution of SIGCHI conferences and the future of CHI

      The ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI) was born in 1982 and has been held annually since 1985. Specialized conferences (such as IUI, CSCW, MobileHCI, and UIST) gradually emerged and have now become a significant part of the conference program that ACM SIGCHI offers the global…

  • Features
    • Avoiding bias in robot speech

      Charles Hannon

      Avoiding bias in robot speech

      We humans are teaching our robots how to speak. But when humans speak to each other, we can be pretty terrible. The words we use express our biases and prejudices, our stereotypes about each other, and the inequalities of our society. Do we want our robots to replicate all…

    • Chatbots: Changing user needs and motivations

      Petter Bae Brandtzaeg, Asbjørn Følstad

      Chatbots: Changing user needs and motivations

      Chatbots have been around for decades. However, the real buzz around this technology did not start until the spring of 2016. Reasons for the sudden renewed interest in chatbots include massive advances in artificial intelligence (AI) and a major usage shift from online social networks to mobile-messaging applications such…

    • Avoiding the uncanny valley in virtual character design

      Valentin Schwind, Katrin Wolf, Niels Henze

      Avoiding the uncanny valley in virtual character design

      Computer graphics have made dramatic progress in recent years. They deliver almost perfect renderings that can barely be distinguished from reality. But while improving environmental realism significantly increases user immersion, increasing the realism of virtual characters seems to hinder their acceptance. Highly realistic computer-generated characters in movies, computer games,…

    • Bridging HCI communities

      Jonathan Grudin

      Bridging HCI communities

      Computer science, design, cognitive and social sciences, human factors, information science, information systems, artificial intelligence, communication—each has an HCI/UX community. Other disciplines may also have groups sharing this focus. I have participated in many efforts to connect some of them, primarily through joint conference activity. We built bridges that…

    • The somatic turn in human-computer interaction

      Lian Loke, Thecla Schiphorst

      The somatic turn in human-computer interaction

      Given the value-laden and socially directed nature of third-wave HCI and the emergence of a "somatic turn" in contemporary thought, it is not surprising that we are also beginning to witness the impact of this somatic turn within the interaction design and HCI communities. More and more, interaction design…

  • Cover story
    • Diversity computing

      Sue Fletcher-Watson, Hanne De Jaegher, Jelle van Dijk, Christopher Frauenberger, Maurice Magnée, Juan Ye

      Diversity computing

      A neural network for classifying gang crime was presented recently at the "Artificial Intelligence, Ethics and Society" conference, causing an outcry online and in the media**. Meanwhile, in an article for the New York Times, Farhad Manjoo wrote that 2017 was the year in which it dawned on big…

  • Calendar
    • Calendar

      INTR Staff


      September RoCHI 2018: International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, (Cluj-Napoca, Romania) Conference Dates: September 3–4, 2018 MobileHCI '18: 20th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (Barcelona, Spain) Conference Dates: Sept 3–6, 2018 ECCE '18: 36th annual European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics (Utrecht, Netherlands) Conference…

  • Exit
    • Reflection through visibility

      A. Kocaballi

      Reflection through visibility

      Contributor: A. Baki Kocaballi Curator/Editor: Anne Spaa Genre: Digital traces, visibility, reflection A collage of the remnants of previously posted messages and announcements on a bulletin board, inviting us to reflect on the togetherness of all the remnants, the passage of time, and ephemerality. Would it be possible to…
