Table of Contents

VOLUME XXXI.4 July - August 2024

    • UX for RAI: User Experience Meets Responsible AI

      Mikael Wiberg, Elizabeth F. Churchill

        Welcome to the July–August 2024 issue of ACM Interactions! In response to the current third wave of AI, characterized by a society-wide deployment of AI-powered systems, it is increasingly critical to understand and explore approaches to responsible AI (RAI) design and use practices. In short, it is imperative we…

  • What are you reading?
    • What Are You Reading?

      Jofish Kaye

      What Are You Reading?

        The book I'm most excited about this year from an HCI/UX point of view is Will Guidara's Unreasonable Hospitality. It's about building a top-tier restaurant, one capable of winning three Michelin stars. Those of you who have seen the show The Bear might have seen the book flashed on-screen…

  • Exhibit X
    • The Monument for Future M/Otherhood

      Cristina Zaga, Lisa Mandemaker

      The Monument for Future M/Otherhood

        To engage the general public about reproductive technologies, we use interactive technologies to create spaces of more-than-human transdisciplinary co-speculation. In the Monument for Future M/Otherhood, diverse perspectives are brought together to create alternative sociotechnical imaginaries of reproduction. The intent is to spark debate about medical technology and the possibility…

  • Columns
    • Leading Creative Projects

      Jon Kolko

      Leading Creative Projects

        I was recently working on a project where I asked a designer with about seven years of experience if they were okay with leading the project. They said yes; I said okay; and then I watched the project…not be led. I asked the designer what was happening, and they…

    • Steaming Ahead: Will AI Amplify Electric Inequities?

      Jonathan Bean

      Steaming Ahead: Will AI Amplify Electric Inequities?

        Herbert Simon famously wrote about design as being the act of devising "courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones" [1]. In the world of technology, and in particular AI, it feels more like what's underway is the wholesale creation of a nearly infinite set of…

    • Toward Reuser Experience

      Melissa Gregg

      Toward Reuser Experience

        What kind of information will designers and technology users need in a changed climate? Are the practices of design and engineering currently working in the interests of this kind of knowledge—and if not, why not? This column is an opportunity for me to share new ideas and methods that…

  • Forums
    • Labor’s Stake in Shaping Tech Futures

      Nataliya Nedzhvetskaya, JS Tan

      Labor’s Stake in Shaping Tech Futures

        Since 2017, tech workers have participated in a new wave of collective action. Microsoft employees launched a barrage of petitions against the company's contracts with the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, the U.S. Department of Defense, and oil companies like Chevron. Googlers around the world walked out on the…

    • Cloud Gaming: Revolutionizing the Gaming World for Players and Developers Alike

      Ghazal Bangash, Pierre-Adrien Forestier, Loutfouz Zaman

      Cloud Gaming: Revolutionizing the Gaming World for Players and Developers Alike

        Until recently, video games could be played only on gamers' personal computers or gaming consoles, which has been the norm for decades. But the restrictions of this local hardware have been a regular source of frustration for both developers and players. On the player side, getting your hands on…

  • Features
    • Designing for Data Sensemaking Practices: A Complex Challenge

      Armağan Karahanoğlu, Aykut Coşkun

      Designing for Data Sensemaking Practices: A Complex Challenge

        We have a plethora of digital tools at our fingertips for understanding our bodies, from activity trackers to smartwatches. Through these tools, we are not just recording our lives; we are quantifying them, owing to the affordability and accessibility of sensing and networking technologies, which empower us to track…

    • Inclusive Computational Thinking in Public Schools: A Case Study from Lisbon

      Ana Cristina Pires, Filipa Rocha, Tiago Guerreiro, Hugo Nicolau

      Inclusive Computational Thinking in Public Schools: A Case Study from Lisbon

        AI is one of the most prominent examples of how technologies can affect society. Although it has benefits and could potentially make advanced resources and opportunities more accessible and affordable, it could also increase inequalities. Equipping young people with the skills and knowledge to navigate and harness technologies such…

    • Unmasking AI: Informing Authenticity Decisions by Labeling AI-Generated Content

      Olivia Burrus, Amanda Curtis, Laura Herman

      Unmasking AI: Informing Authenticity Decisions by Labeling AI-Generated Content

        The rapid proliferation of artificial intelligence technologies has ushered in a transformative era in content creation, and with it, shifting perceptions of what makes content authentic. The notion of authenticity (i.e., the accuracy, reliability, and trustworthiness of content) becomes particularly fraught in the context of content made using generative…

    • Large Language Objects: The Design of Physical AI and Generative Experiences

      Marcelo Coelho, Jean-Baptiste Labrune

      Large Language Objects: The Design of Physical AI and Generative Experiences

        Large language models (LLMs) have shown an unprecedented ability to generate text, images, and code, surpassing in many ways our own human capabilities and promising to have a profound impact on design and creativity. While powerful, however, these new forms of intelligence remain largely ignorant of the world outside…

  • Cover story
    • UX Matters: The Critical Role of UX in Responsible AI

      Q. Vera Liao, Mihaela Vorvoreanu, Hari Subramonyam, Lauren Wilcox

      UX Matters: The Critical Role of UX in Responsible AI

        Let's imagine a scenario—inspired by true events—in which a company has deployed an AI-powered system in a hospital. The system provides recommendations for treatment plans. Some clinicians find that the new system requires them to change their routine and significantly adds to their workload, so they start resisting the…

  • Calendar
    • Calendar

      INTR Staff


        July DIS '24: ACM Conference on Designing Interactive Systems (Copenhagen, Denmark) July 1–5, 2024 CUI '24: ACM Conversational User Interfaces (Luxembourg City, Luxembourg) July 8–10, 2024 EASST-4S '24: European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) and the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)…

  • Exit
    • The Last Pencil?

      Renato Verdugo, Scott Minneman

      The Last Pencil?

        Contributor: Oio in collaboration with mudac, the Museum of Contemporary Design and Applied Arts, Lausanne Curators/Editors: Renato Verdugo and Scott Minneman Click to enlarge A timeless symbol of creativity, this yellow wooden pencil appears ordinary. Yet there's no graphite core, only a smooth piece of solid wood with a…
