Humanity’s dashboard
Aaron Marcus Posted: Wed, March 18, 2015 - 11:33:50
The Doomsday Clock. Source: Speaking of the Apple Watch or iWatch, as it is called informally...Time is running out... Many decades ago, people around the world learned of the…
Designing the cognitive future, part VII: Metacognition
Juan Hourcade Posted: Fri, March 06, 2015 - 11:49:00
In this post, I discuss my views on designing the future of metacognition. The definition of metacognition I use in the post refers to the monitoring and control of other…
Ai Wei Wei on Alcatraz
Deborah Tatar Posted: Tue, March 03, 2015 - 12:07:35
When I saw that the Chinese dissident artist Ai Wei Wei was to have a show on Alcatraz, I knew that I had to attend. Not only had I written…
Body/brain data/licenses
Aaron Marcus Posted: Fri, February 27, 2015 - 3:06:38
We all have bodies and brains.Some of us have driver’s licenses, social-security numbers, passports, and email addresses issued by or monitored by one or more governments and their agencies. Our…
Designing the cognitive future, part VI: Communication
Juan Hourcade Posted: Tue, February 03, 2015 - 4:33:59
Continuing the series on designing the cognitive future, in this post I discuss communication. This is a topic on which the HCI community has spent a significant amount of energy,…
Taking stock
Jonathan Grudin Posted: Thu, January 22, 2015 - 4:20:50
Two years of monthly posts. A year ago I weighed the experience and suggested that discussion is becoming a less effective use of time, given the ease of scanning masses…
Lifetime effigies: 3D printing and you
Aaron Marcus Posted: Tue, January 20, 2015 - 2:54:02
We all have limited shelf lives. During our own lifetimes, or afterwards, some of us might wish to “publish” many hundreds, thousands, millions, or even billions of lifelike effigies, miniature…
Wavy hair is in
Monica Granfield Posted: Fri, January 09, 2015 - 4:17:41
Has anyone else wondered if UI design is becoming trendy and fashionable? Like hair, clothing, interiors, and architecture, are user interfaces succumbing to waves of industry trends, becoming period-based creations?Lately,…
Destroying the box: Experience architecture inspiration from Frank Lloyd Wright
Joe Sokohl Posted: Mon, January 05, 2015 - 11:58:06
"When we said we wanted a house at Bear Creek," client Lillian Kaufmann said to Frank Lloyd Wright, "we didn't imagine you would build it ON the creek!" To which…
Life after death in the Age of the Internet
Aaron Marcus Posted: Mon, December 29, 2014 - 11:45:47
We all have limited shelf-lives. We all arrive on earth stamped with an expiration date or a “best used before” date in our genes. It’s just that most of the…